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Player Efforts in Wisconsin to Legalize Poker shot down by Judge

Last week, all poker playing citizens in the state of Wisconsin had their eyes trained on a court hearing in Dane County. A group of poker-loving individuals, including Madison bar owner Mark Kroon, had petitioned for an amendment to declare

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Rep. Payne says Online Gambling Legislation in Pennsylvania is Alive and Kicking

Earlier this year, Pennsylvania legislators proposed a number of online gambling bills. Due to the high rate of legislative activity on the subject, it was estimated that the odds of regulations being passed in 2015 were probable. Despite any movement

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CA Tracks Respond to Pechanga; PokerStars launches ‘Let California Play’ Pro Tour

The online poker saga in California continues this week. To regulate, or not to regulate? To allow bad actors / tainted assets / race tracks to participate? These are the questions, and although everyone seems to have an answer, very

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Committee hears Testimony at today’s PA Online Gaming Hearing

Pennsylvania has taken one more small step in the direction of legalizing and regulating internet poker and casino gambling. After proposing PA online gaming bill SB 900, Senator Kim Ward, Chairman of the Senate Community, Economic and Recreational Development Committee,

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Source says Italy Online Poker Market to Open to International Shared Liquidity

Online poker in Italy was expected to become big business in 2010, when the properties of liberalization finally came into effect. Distinguished operators throughout Europe were licensed to operate within the Italian market, but its ring-fenced nature has steadily smothered

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Pennsylvania iGaming Bill SB 900 Bad for Online Gambling Business

Senator Kim Ward’s Pennsylvania iGaming bill, SB 900, has been unveiled. But the excitement over a measure introduced on the senatorial level quickly subsided as the minutiae of the bill painted a less than appealing picture for both operators and

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Another Bill coming to Pennsylvania as Momentum builds for Legal Online Poker

Just a few months ago, as Pennsylvania was receiving its first proposal of the new legislative session aimed at authorizing legal online poker and casino games, the subject drew little fanfare from the iGaming community. Another bill, another session, another

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Future gets Brighter for Online Poker in Pennsylvania, Senate Bill in the Works

For the last two years, California was expected to be the next US state to legalize online poker, but with in-fighting still a major issue in the Golden State, Pennsylvania has taken over that title. Now, thanks to State Senator

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AB 414, Banning Non-Poker Interstate iGaming Compacts in Nevada, Dies in Senate

A mysterious bill related to online gambling in Nevada has reached the end of its rope. AB 414, scripted to prohibit the state from entering into shared liquidity compacts for any form of internet gaming outside of online poker, has

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New Poll reveals Majority of Pennsylvania supports to Online Gaming Regulation

The subject of online gaming regulation has been a hot topic in the state of Pennsylvania this year. Since February, HB 649 has been circulating the state capital. Now, a new poll indicates that the majority of voters in the

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